Sunday, 3 June 2018

                                          My Learning Travelogue

 Based on my experiences from 52nd International IATEFL Conference, Brighton 2018

Hi friends,

     I invite all the fraternity of teacher's to read my E-book on "My Learning Travelogue" in which I have shared about my learning experiences from 52nd International  IATEFL  Conference 2018 Brighton.This E-book will certainly help you all in knowing about current trends in ELT,the research going around and the new techniques used around the world etc.
       In this E-book I am going to give you a brief introduction to the following areas:-
  1. What is IATEFL?
  2. Salient features and innovations I underwent in the conference
  3. The key notes I have penned down during the sessions
  4. Networking around the globe 
  5. My London itineration experience         
      I hope you will read this E-book and passed on your comments about it.Your suggestion and feedback are welcomed. It will enrich my academic and professional development.

By clicking on this link you can read the E-book

You can also download the E-book from my drive

                               Thanks & Regards,

                                    Nisar Shaikh
                    State Academic Resource Person 
                        Regional Academic Authority, 
                       English Expertise, Aurangabad.

1 comment:

  1. I felt very happy aft reading ur travelogue sir It is amazing to read all these.Thanks for sharing.Vaibhao jagtap (CHESS MODERATOR) of yavatmal Dist.


                                           My Learning Travelogue   Based on my experiences from 52nd International IATEFL Conference, B...